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Sébastien Lemieux presents during the 15th Journée Phare of Université Sherbrooke

Sébastien Lemieux was invited to come and discuss artificial intelligence (AI) in health during the dinner conference “The future of pharmacology” of the 15th Journée Phare. The event was held at Sherbrooke University. For the occasion, Sébastien presented the projects of Léa and Karla, as well as Assya.

Nicolas Jacquin represents the Lemieux Laboratory at the 14th Research Symposium of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine (UdeM)

For the occasion, Nicolas Jacquin presented his research work on the reconstruction of transcriptomic profiles from short k-mer using machine learning.

Léonard Sauvé presents a poster at RéseauLAB 2023

Léonard Sauvé presents his work on the use of autoencoders for prognosis prediction from gene expression data at the 2023 edition of the RéseauxLAB.

Welcome to Léa Kaufmann and Karla Félix Navarro

Léa Kaufmann and Karla Félix Navarro are joining the Lemieux Laboratory to complete their PhD work in Bioinformatics and Masters in Computer Science, respectively. Welcome!

Charbel Machaalani and Eve Wang present at IRIC Intern Day

Charbel Machaalani and Eve Wang presented their work at the 5th IRIC Summer Interns’ Day. They jointly won the prize for best poster presentation for their posters: congratulations!

BamQuery a proteogenomic tool to explore the immunopeptidome and prioritize actionable tumor antigens

Maria Virginia Ruiz Cuevas’s article, “BamQuery: a proteogenomic tool to explore the immunopeptidome and prioritize actionable tumor antigens”, has been published in BMC Genome Biology and is now publicly available online. Congratulations, Maria!

Successful thesis defense for Maria Virginia Ruiz Cuevas

Congratulations to Dr. Maria Virginia Ruiz Cuevas for a successful thesis defense! Her thesis, titled “Improving anti-cancer therapies through a better Identification and characterization of non-canonical MHC-I associated peptides”, will be available shortly on the UdeM’s Papyrus system.

Marc-André Legault appointed IVADO professor

Marc-Andrée Legault, a former member of Lemieux Lab, will join the Faculty of Pharmacy (UdeM) and at the Azrieli Research Center of CHU Sainte-Justine as an IVADO professor, starting August 2024.

Caroline Labelle présente ses travaux de recherche lors du premier Symposium MAD4CANCER

Caroline Labelle faisait partie de la délégation de neuf personnes travaillant ou étudiant à l’IRIC qui ont participé au symposium, à Montpellier (France). Elle a eu l’opportunité de faire un oral portant sur Enhancing the drug discovery process: Selecting relevant and potent compounds with Bayesian inference.