Proteogenomic-based method for identifying tumor-specific antigens


T cells, notably CD8 T cells, are known to be essential players in tumor eradication as the presence of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) in several cancers positively correlates with a good prognosis. To eliminate tumor cells, CD8 T cells recognize tumor antigens, which are MHC I-associated peptides present at the surface of tumor cells, with no or very low expression on normal cells. Described herein a proteogenomic approach using RNA-sequencing data from cancer and normal-matched mTEC hi samples in order to identify non-tolerogenic tumor-specific antigens derived from (i) coding and non-coding regions of the genome,(ii) non-synonymous single-base mutations or short insertion/deletions and more complex rearrangements as well as (iii) endogenous retroelements, which works regardless of the sample’s mutational load or complexity.

Sébastien Lemieux
Sébastien Lemieux
Chercheur principal

Chercheur principal, Unité de recherche en bio-informatique fonctionnelle et structurale, IRIC | Direction scientifique de la plateforme de Bio-informatique | Professeur agrégé, Département de biochimie et médecine moléculaire, Université de Montréal