Chemo-genomic interrogation of CEBPA mutated AML reveals recurrent CSF3R mutations and subgroup sensitivity to JAK inhibitors


In this study, we analyzed RNA-sequencing data of 14 samples characterized by biallelic CEBPA (CEBPA(bi)) mutations included in the Leucegene collection of 415 primary acute myeloid leukemia (AML) specimens, and describe for the first time high frequency recurrent mutations in the granulocyte colony-stimulating factor receptor gene CSF3R, which signals through JAK-STAT proteins. Chemical interrogation of these primary human specimens revealed a uniform and specific sensitivity to all JAK inhibitors tested irrespective of their CSF3R mutation status, indicating a general sensitization of JAK-STAT signaling in this leukemia subset. Altogether, these results identified the co-occurrence of mutations in CSF3R and CEBPA in a well-defined AML subset, which uniformly responds to JAK inhibitors and paves the way to personalized clinical trials for this disease.,

Sébastien Lemieux
Sébastien Lemieux
Principal Investigator

Principal Investigator, Functional and Structural Bioinformatics Research Unit, IRIC | Scientific direction of the Bioinformatics platform | Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, Université de Montréal