Ann-Sophie Gironne

Ann-Sophie Gironne

MSc in Pharmaceutical Sciences

IRIC - Université de Montréal

Ann-Sophie was recruited as part of an IRIC recruitment contest in 2020 in co-direction with the Genevieve Deblois lab and the Lemieux lab. While a 3rd year honors undergraduate sthugoudent in biomedical science, she was introduced to computer programming and bioinformatics through an elective class, which she chose to prepare for her master’s studies. Inquisitive and movivated, she benefits from the support of her bioinformatician colleagues. She aspires to work in the domain after graduation.

To learn more about Ann-Sophie’s project, follow this link.

  • Bioinformatics
  • Computer Programming
  • Genomics
  • Popular Science
  • Student Volunteering
  • Plants
  • MSc in Pharmaceutical Sciences, in progress

    Université de Montréal, Canada

  • BSc in Bioemedical Sciences, 2021

    Université de Montréal, Canada